Monday, May 17, 2010

Naomi's 911 Call

Dispatch Operator: 911, where's your emergency?

Caller: (panting) It’s a kitchen fire in my new house,...I forget how to get here. I don’t know the number, Orange Heights Avenue...I just got here and it burned itself up.

Dispatch Operator: Is anyone in the house? Are you safe?

Caller: (long pause) I’m fine, thanks. I’ll go wait for the fire truck in front of my house.

Dispatch Operator: I'm sending help now. Stay away from the building and stay on the line until someone comes. Can you hold on for a minute?

Dispatch Operator (to fire station): We have a report of a kitchen fire in progress on Orange Heights Avenue. No one's in the house.

Fire Station Operator: We're on the way.

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